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Summer Solstice 2023

Summer Solstice 2023: How to celebrate the longest day of the year in your garden

The summer solstice is a time of vibrant energy and abundant sunlight. It’s the perfect time to be using your solar lights and get the optimal run time for the occasion to embrace nature’s bounty and celebrate the beauty of the season. What better way to mark this special day than by creating a memorable experience right in your own garden?

1. Soak up the sun

Invite friends and family over for a sun-themed brunch in your garden. If you’re a gardener, consider planting vibrant yellow and orange flowers and embrace the colours and flavours of summer to create a joyful atmosphere to last into the evening!

2. Decorate with solar lights

Solar lights work at their best in the summer sun. With no extra costs in electric bills, or ugly wiring through the garden. Solar lights are the best investment you can make for your garden this season.

3. Build a Solstice Bonfire

As the sun begins to set, gather your loved ones for a traditional solstice bonfire. Build a fire pit or designate a safe area in your garden for this purpose. Light the bonfire and let the flames dance against the darkening sky. Enjoy the warmth and crackling sounds of the fire while sharing stories, singing songs, or even performing a simple fire ritual.

4. Take some time for you

The summer solstice is the longest day of the year. Harness this extra daylight time by doing yoga or meditation sessions in your garden. Set up mats or blankets on the grass and guide your participants through gentle movements, mindful breathing, and deep relaxation.

5. Nighttime Garden Illumination

Add a touch of magic to your garden by illuminating it with soft lights and lanterns. Hang fairy lights in trees, place lanterns along pathways, and create a mystical ambience. Savour the enchanting glow and the contrast of light and shadows as you explore your garden under the starry night sky. This ethereal setting is perfect for intimate conversations, quiet contemplation, or simply enjoying the beauty of your outdoor oasis.

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